Zaļā iela 6, Kuldīga, LV-3301, Latvija
Apskatiet mūsu Palleteries Korea
“Palleteries” is a company founded in 2006 with a team boasting more than 20 years of experience in the manufacturing of dimensional timber for pallets. We are one of the leading sawn timber producers in Latvia constantly providing high-quality dimensional timber for manufacturers of pallets and other types of packaging.
We grow along with the needs of our clients, to provide our clients with everything necessary and more – by choosing us, our clients choose a stable and reliable partner, precise and expeditious deliveries, and products of consistently high quality, sized according to the client’s needs.
Latvia is one of the greenest countries in Europe whose forest area reaches 50,3% – forests take up half of Latvia’s territory. A wide variety and extensive availability of deciduous and coniferous trees facilitate woodworking as one of our country’s most advanced industries. Dimensional timber for pallets made in Latvia – it is a quality mark chosen and trusted all over the world.
One of the most critical aspects of manufacturing pallets and other types of packaging is punctuality – even one cargo delivered later than scheduled can delay the whole manufacturing process and client deadline committals. That is why the sharp deadline conditions of clients have never caused us any trouble – we know how important every minute is and we always abide by delivery deadlines. This creates trust in long-term cooperation.
Dimensional timber for pallets is usually offered without many modification options. We have adjusted our manufacturing technologies to our clients’ needs, enabling us to offer dimensional timber in sizes and of those wood materials, which are necessary for the client – we produce dimensional timber of any size from both the widespread coniferous materials and deciduous trees.
The coniferous and deciduous trees used in the production of pallets are planted and have grown in Latvia. Their strength and healthiness is the foundation for the quality and durability of pallets. Timber is delivered to the Palleteries warehouse where all of the offered products are produced. In accordance with the high quality standards, the geographical positioning of Latvia adjacent to the Baltic Sea enables us to safely export the finished pallets by sea, and the company has an extensive international cooperation experience with foreign customers. The final product reaches the client anywhere in the world within the deadline and with a guarantee of exceptional quality
Palleteries produces and exports high-quality dimensional timber of variable sizes for manufacturers of pallets and other types of packaging. When selecting Palleteries our clients choose a stable and reliable partner, precise and expeditious deliveries, and products of consistently high quality, sized according to the client’s needs.
Palleteries produces precise and durable high- quality deciduous and coniferous tree planks that our clients use to manufacture high-grade, stable pallets of different standards and sizes. Palleteries’s planks have characteristically high precision and particular durability, that is why they can be used in automatic pallet manufacturing-lines and at the same time, the close, long-term cooperation with the logistics companies lets us deliver products to clients anywhere in the world within the specified deadlines.
We produce durable high-quality chip blocks that our clients use to manufacture high-grade, stable pallets of different standards and sizes. The chip blocks that we produce are of even mass and easy to nail, thus making them easy to use in automatic pallet manufacturing-lines, on top of that they are available both in standard and custom sizes. Palleteries’s pallet blocks do not require additional drying, that is why pallet blocks can be delivered to the end- consumer immediately after their production.
The by-products – wood-shavings, created as a result of our production process, have found a new life in the Palleteries company. Wood-shavings obtained from the logs at the processing plant are dried, mixed with glue and compressed into a special block form, resulting in dry, high-quality and durable pallet blocks. For this production process, we use a self-developed technology, which not only allows to efficiently use all the available resources but substantially saves energy resources and enables to widen our range of offers.
20-years’ experience in manufacturing of dimensional timber, a production capacity of up to 10 000 m3 per month and the close, long-term cooperation with the logistics companies lets us deliver our wood products to anywhere in the world.
Solārās mikroģenerācijas sistēmas uzstādīšana
SIA “PALLETERIES” noslēdzis līgumu ar “Attīstības finanšu institūcijas Altum” par atjaunojamos energoresursus izmantojošu elektroenerģijas ražošanas avotu – saules paneļu sistēmu pašpatēriņa nodrošināšanai uzstādīšanu. Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks samazināts primārās enerģijas gada patēriņš par 717,627 MWh, kā arī nodrošināts siltumnīcefekta gāzu samazinājums 52,14756 CO2 ekvivalenta tonnu apmērā. Projekta kopējās izmaksas: 434 110,37 EUR, bet Atveseļošanās fonda (AF) finansējums sastāda EUR 107 630,67 EUR.
2021 Supply Base Report
2019.gada IV-ceturksnis
Decembris – III- būvniecības karta nodota ekspluatācijā
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Novembris – saņemtas būvatļaujas:
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2019.gada III-ceturksnis
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2019.gada II-ceturksnis
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2019.gada I-ceturksnis
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2018.gada IV-ceturksnis
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Publicēts 2018. gada 03. oktobris
2018.gada III-ceturksnis
Nodota ekspluatācijā I un II- būvniecības karta
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2018.gada II-ceturksnis
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2018.gada I-ceturksnis
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2017.gada septembris
2017.gada septembris uzsākta II-ieceres būvdarbi
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2017.gada augusts
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2017.gada jūnijs
Norisinās būvdarbi (nosiltināta ēka, jumts daļēji pabeigti laukumi)
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2017. gada marts II
Saņemta būvatļauja Nr. BIS-BV-4.1-2017-437 un uzsākti I-ieceres būvdarbi
Publicēts 2017. gada 30. marts
2017.gada marts I
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2016.gada septembris
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